5 Ways to Find Scare Actors for Your Haunted Attraction

Find Scare Actors

One of the most difficult things for a Haunted Attraction Owner is to find quality Scare Actors and Staff to help make the attraction come to life.

Having your Scare Actors not show up is one of the biggest complaints we hear as haunt consultants…from the bad reviews from your customers to the other actors who have to cover those spots and pull double duty on a busy Saturday night.

These are some of the things we have tried in the past. We now have over 40 scare actors inside our haunt The Dead Factory.

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Here are five things you can start doing now to recruit and hire new scare actors for your haunted attraction.

How to get scare actors for your haunted house


  1. Reach out to family and friends. Use social media to let others know you’re searching for help. People aren’t mind readers so you gotta put it out there. I know it’s tough to ask for help, but it determines the success of your show.
  2. Create an Ad on Facebook. Create a business page on Facebook..yes, they still work. Boost a post or create an ad directly focused on your local area (maybe a 15 mile radius around your location) and interests like Horror Movie Fans, Theater/Plays, Haunted Houses.
  3. Team up with your local theater or high school drama club. Many of my scare actors have come from the local theater. My son was also in the drama department at his high school. You might be able to cross-promote with them by sharing staff members or even hanging banners in each others queue lines.
  4. Ask strangers. Allen Hopps, from The Darkhour Haunted House, carries pre-made business cards specifically for Scare Actor auditions. He carries them everywhere! I usually get a feel for a person and then ask them if they’d be interested in helping work behind-the-scenes of a Haunted House.
  5. Ask your current Actors/Staff for referrals. Sometimes your current helpers don’t know you need more help. Ask if they have a friend that may want to try it out as a test run. Once they get that first scare..it usually lights that fire inside. It’s either for a person or not…don’t try to force it. You’ll get a better quality of actor by letting the good ones come back for more.

Treat your scare actors and your haunt staff like family. Have food and drinks if it’s in your budget. Make them comfortable as possible. Make their time with you fun and enjoyable so they’ll want to come back and bring a friend.

Happy Haunting!

Listen to the podcast of this article here.