ScaryVisions, dEdmonton, and HaunTopic….Oh My!

Haunted Radio


HaunTopic RadioThis is not a new episode of HaunTopic Radio…but an update of what has been going on and what we have planned for the upcoming months.

As you know. Darryl Plunkie from dEdmonton.com and myself have stepped into the world of podcasting and online radio. We created hauntopic.com and felt that we needed to take some of our experience and the experience of other Haunters and create an audio version for you to listen to at your convenience. We created HaunTopic Radio. There will soon be a series of episodes covering the Transworld Haunt & Halloween Show and all the friends I caught up with.

So we have ScaryVisions.com, dEdmonton.com, and HaunTopic.com. Where do you start?

Well, check out the list below and use it as a guideline to check out the stuff you feel is the most important to you; that way you can stay updated to ALL the happenings we will be organizing over the next year.


  • Subscribe to The Haunter’s Toolbox. My FREE weekly newsletter that is packed full of my Top Articles and each time I publish a new post it will go directly to your inbox. Yes…new HaunTopic Radio Shows too. There are some things I share in this newsletter that will not be on my facebook page or Twitter account. You can reply to any email to contact me directly. There might also be a surprise gift in there for all new subscribers. (Your email address will not be shared with anyone.)
  • Add me as a friend on Facebook.
  • Like the ScaryVisions Fan Page.
  • Follow me on Twitter.
  • Check out all of the new videos I’m uploading to YouTube. I shot over 3 hours of footage from the TransWorld Halloween & Attractions Show.



  • Go to the HaunTopic.com website and see what’s new. We’ve put All the new episodes there, a few ways to share the shows, and we still have some good references to other Haunters and other websites you need to check out! We are redesigning the site and the new site will include better navigation, easy to find information, and a few other surprises.
  • Like the HaunTopic Fan Page on Facebook.
  • Follow HaunTopic on Twitter.
  • Join our Linked In Group
  • Subscribe to HaunTopic Radio on iTunes. If you have an MP3 player or Smartphone, this is the best way to stay current with all the episodes. A new episode about every 10 days!

These links should keep you busy while we sort through all of our audio from Transworld and we get a few more episodes released. We talked of having a new episode every 2 weeks and we had been putting one out every week. We decided to pick 3 dates out of the month and publish on those days. The 6th, 16th, and 26th. I think Darryl has an obsession with the number 6…at least they’ll be easy to remember and give us a few extra days to edit our audio. We won’t make the 16th this month but Subscribe and Follow us and we’ll let you know as soon as we have a new one.

So for the next few months we will updating the HaunTopic Website, creating new segments and episodes of HaunTopic Radio, and still keeping an eye on the Haunt Industry. I have about 15 interviews to publish. Some good Topics to cover. And new segments like Show & Meet-Up Updates, Current News, and covering different creepy musical genres. We will try to stay consistent and add new segments slowly. We want to get this show molded, peeled, and applied for you….where everyday is Scary…